Friday, April 21, 2006


These are strange times we live in, but what would it look like if all were normal? Would everything be so serious? Would the term "fairy" still be an insult? Would cell phones still ring out? Would children still have to sit in heaven, longingly watching the cup pass them by? And if we picture ourselves far down the road in times called normal, would this period's strangeness be traced to its love of science?

Could science - as we usually understand the term - cause the world to be so strangely serious? After all, science is really the study of God's world. Under the banner of science, we name animals, we study the stars, we build buildings, we grow gardens, we take dominion of the world. Further, scientific endeavors have led to heart transplants, nut brown ale, desert farmlands, calculators, wallboard, and indoor plumbing. Sounds Biblical, sounds benefical, but why has it made everything so serious?

Because we have convinced ourselves that science says there are no such things as "Longaevi"... or fairies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things get serious when someone attempts to flex their muscles (however girly-man they may be) at someone else's Mr. Universe competition...real fast. Invasion is always serious. Science is being applied outside of its intended realm by those who weild it as their Excaliber. It is now being used extensively to attack the presuppositions that need be coupled with it in order to study and better understand the sovereign God's world(s). When you've taken up arms (hehe, you know, as in gun show) against the sovereign God of the universe there isn't much room for non-serious activity. Imagine the advancements that could have been made to this point had science been used solely for its intended purpose inside the framework of God's sovereignty and our dependence on it. Imagine a people who didn't take ourselves so damned seriously.

9:54 PM  

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