Sunday, July 16, 2006

Holy Spirit and Scripture

Are the Scriptures the best tool and the Holy Spirit the best gift? Considering that the Holy Spirit 1) is God dwelling among us, 2) is called the comforter, and 3) (among many other things) is the one who enables us to read and understand the Scriptures.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What allows one the ability to recieve the Spirit? Could it be argued that the ability and knowledge are intrinsic, or that an understanding of the scriptures must be reached before the bestowing of the Spirit? Obviously, some knowledge must be known upon one's realization that they are inept in their own salvation. But how is that knowledge attained? Spirit or scripture? This also leads to the question of the timing of one's recieving the spirit as well- prior to or after understanding?

10:20 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

I'm not quite sure what is so "obvious" about the requirement of knowledge before the Spirit can be bestowed?!

I guess, I kind of assume that the only requirment or "ability" one must have in order to recieve the Spirit is that they must be alive (a little dust mixed with the breath of God).

Cast out the Enlightment idols.

But, to still get at the question presented, I think the Spirit of God can still work through Scripture in someone in whom the Spirit is not yet indwelling.

8:06 AM  

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