Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Couple of Quotes

Here are a couple of great quotes or principles from the day:

1) You have to do the things you don't want to do, in order to do the things you do want to do.
(Applies to the church, work, home, play, books, etc. etc.)
2) A Christian definition of Freedom: "the length of rope between your neck and any given stake"
(Picture a guy tied to a stake with a choker collar around his neck and imagine what happens to him when he tries to out run the rope.)
3) "Something you can accomplish in your lifetime is too small, something that can only be accomplished over time after you are gone is something more like a goal God would have for you."
(This fits perfectly with classical, Christian education and fits other situations well also. Thinking of the education scenario, you can also think of it as building a cathedral, the kind that take generations to build. Imagine how important the foundation is, imagine how important each brick is, imagine being the fifth generation to spend your life working on this church only to realize your great, great, great, grandfather poured the foundation slightly crooked, or imagine your family has worked for 7 generations and you are the one who finally gets to put the finishing touches on the building. Building real church buildings is like building christian culture.)
4) Keep short accounts of your sins.


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